Corporate/LLC Formation

Let the Law Offices of Michael E. Zapin assist with your new business needs. Name searches, corporate/company formation including employment identification numbers (EIN’s) all for one low reasonable flat fee. We can also serve as your registered agent in Florida if you are outside the states but doing business in Florida.

Shareholder/Operating Agreements

If your business includes partners, the importance of having a shareholder or operating agreement between your partners cannot be overstated. Issues that aren’t properly addressed or not addressed at all, often require litigation (“see you in Court”). Avoid the pitfalls by taking the time to set out your respective rights and obligations in a clear, concise written agreement. You’ll thank us later, even if you never have to litigate.

Employment/Executive Agreements

Absolutely essential if you are anything other than a one-person business. These agreements can include confidentiality and non-competition provisions, to insure that your proprietary or confidential materials or trade secrets remain just that – yours. Use these agreements to secure “choice of law” provisions favorable to your business, to safeguard against being sued outside of your principal state of business. Garden variety terms such as duties, expectations of both parties also should be included.

Non-Disclosure Agreements

"Protect what's yours!" If you fired an employee and on her way out and she took her computer, her desk and a year's supply of office supplies, you'd be plenty angry knowing these things did not belong to her. Why should it be any different with your propriety work product? Designs, specialized lists, confidential information that you developed for the success of your business, all can be protected.

Non-Compete Agreements

This is a potential minefield. If you're thinking like most knowledgeable business people, that "as long as your non-compete is limited geographically and in duration" that it will be enforceable, we've got some bad news for you. There's much more to a non-compete agreement than what meets the eye. You've got to articulate that your restrictions are reasonably necessary in the first instance to protect your legitimate business interests (i.e., valuable confidential business information, substantial relationships with specific prospective or existing customers, client good will association with an ongoing business and specialized training, etc.) WE CAN HELP you to identify which of these factors would best apply to your situation, to increase the likelihood that your noncompete will be enforced if you ever need to rely on it.

Security Agreements

Promises are wonderful, but there's nothing like a little "security" to back up those promises with the strength of valuable assets to guaranty performance. Whether you're in the business of making commercial loans, or selling goods or services on credit, employing some of our best practices will increase the likelihood of your getting paid under your primary agreement.

Lease Agreements

We've got you covered, whether it’s a residential or commerical lease.

Purchase/Sale Agreements

Whether you're a firs time homebuyer, and investor looking to sell, or a commercial contractor or developer, put our thirty-one years of practical experience to work to insure your transaction is a success.

Commercial Contracts /Other Contracts

If you are engaging in a unique transaction, there is a danger in using "off-the-shelf" one-size-fits-all" garden variety form contracts. We are often surprised at just how many times, we discover that clients that will invest valuable money and other resources, only to skimp on the services of a competent attorney, until things fall apart. DO NOT WAIT! A good lawyer on your side is a necessary cost of doing business, that can save your tens of thousands of dollars, even hundreds of thousands of dollars by insuring that "best practices" are adhered to; issues, clearly identified in the contract, deadlines spelled out, and contingencies ("safety valves") amplified if your performance is dependent upon the actions of others.